

Jess Wedel is a writer, mountaineer, artist, and young adult ovarian cancer survivor from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Good to Know Column

Mountains appear in many forms. It’s not just gigantic rocks. It’s getting cancer at 27 and enduring major surgeries followed by 18 weeks of chemotherapy. I’ve learned some climbs are a lot easier than others. Once I made it to the other side, my life changed. I started climbing actual mountains with my mom because time is precious and there’s so much I hadn’t experienced outside of Oklahoma. I bet you’re wanting to ask, “How do you even train for mountains in the plains?”

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Jess Wedel

I turn in the direction of the sun and keep walking.

It’s the heart that asks the question, not my furious mind.

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Jess Wedel

Kathmandu is the capital and largest city of Nepal with a population of around 1 million. Kathmandu is also the largest metropolis in the Himalayan hill region. Many climbers stop here before making their way to Mount Everest.

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Jess Wedel