

—  ART  —


These pieces are my permission to grieve, to love, to leave, to be okay in the midst of everything – relationships, endings, disease. Painting is the first place I allowed myself to make no mistakes and hear no opinions. Many of my pieces are crafted over stretches of time; late at night when I couldn’t sleep, in between chemo treatments, before boarding a plane to a faraway place.

These are the colors of my redemption, triumph, and hope after a long, sorrowful journey. These brushstrokes represent my new musing on life and how it has evolved. Nothing is held to a single form – there’s no model – there’s no subscribed meaning. It is very much about making all of that on your own. They are my response to a life I have found urgency living in. In a heartbreakingly beautiful, non-nihilistic way, may my work remind you that we don’t have much time; death is close and few things really matter so live deeply and with uninhibited strokes.